

contemporary art / history of art

Posts filed under Zittau

2021 revisited

2021 was the second pandemic year. Even though several artistic events took place in real live, others were only virtually visitable. At the same time, other activities arose. In consequence, our review mainly shows the artworks of the month. However, there are some exceptions like an online art fair, a postal exhibition and a video-performance…. (read more)

Märztage (March days) – A Fukushima Memorial as Video-Performance

11 – 24 March 2021 (still available) On 11th March 2011, a triple catastrophe stroke Japan: First, the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Japan had shaken the region of Tōhoku, followed by a terrible tsunami. The huge waves met the six reactors of the nuclear power plant of Fukushima. Subsequently nuclear meltdown took… (read more)

2020 revisited

  The year 2020 was also in the cultural sector very different from all the other years. After a traditional start in January and February, exhibitions, art fairs and many other art events had been postponed, cancelled or relocated into the virtual space. Still, there were some real exhibitions. Moreover, we presented artist books and… (read more)

Interview: Thomas Neumann – Exact Confidence Limits

Thomas Neumann’s exhibition “Exact Confidence Limits. Photography since 1994” at the Weltkunstzimmer in Düsseldorf recently closed. For those, who missed the show, there are eight video tours through the exhibition online (in German). Additionally, Hatje Cantz Publishers released a deepening book with the same name on the exhibition. It displays most of the works and… (read more)

Stay connected – a virtual journey to art

The Corona-crisis has changed our lives a lot. Many countries have limited public activities; several are almost totally shut-down. Schools, universities and shops are closed. This stop of public life, also affects cultural institutions like museums, art spaces and galleries. Many cultural operators defy this standstill and take it as a challenge to enhance their… (read more)