

contemporary art / history of art

Posts filed under Walking on Water

2024 revisited

Our Artworks of the Month 2024 where unexceptionally dedicated to photography. Since the first artworks were executed by photographers, we decided to continue with this technique to allow you to see various contemporary approaches. Moreover, we reviewed the Bolognese Art Week 2024 with articles about the uncountable venues of the ART CITY and the ARTE… (read more)

ArtworkS of the Month: The first five of 2024

Our five Artworks of the Month were made by six artists. The trend to photography continued. This focus doesn’t exclude other disciplines in the future.         In January, Anna Di Prospero offered her perception of the Central Station of Trieste. Instead of contenting herself in presenting the architecture, she added a mysterious… (read more)

Artwork of the Month / February 2024

The Home we lost Tamara Stoffers 2023 Analogue black-and-white photography 30 cm x 24 cm Edition of 5 + AP Tamara Stoffers’ black-and-white photo “The Home we lost” is part of her series with the same name. It shows a young woman in a vintage dress from the 1940s in front of an apartment building…. (read more)

2021 revisited

2021 was the second pandemic year. Even though several artistic events took place in real live, others were only virtually visitable. At the same time, other activities arose. In consequence, our review mainly shows the artworks of the month. However, there are some exceptions like an online art fair, a postal exhibition and a video-performance…. (read more)

Artwork of the month / December 2021

Pickle Factory Tamara Stoffers 2021 Oil on canvas 80 cm x 100 cm The painting “Pickle Factory” by Tamara Stoffers shows three women in a blue tiled room, surrounded by machines. All are wearing red kerchiefs on the head. In the foreground, one woman with a white apron is looking directly to the observer; a… (read more)

ArtworkS of the month – the first six of 2019

Before the summer break, we would like to remind you our first six artworks. The six featured artists came from various corners of the world, as the artworks were different by technique and subject. With this review, we would like to thank all artists for their support.   In January, “Bucket & Reflection” by the… (read more)

Artwork of the month / April 2019

Voronezh (series 1971) Tamara Stoffers 2018 Collage 110 cm x 87 cm, Edition of 3 80 cm x 63 cm, Edition of 4 50 cm x 40 cm, Edition of 5   For her collage “Voronezh” from 2018, Tamara Stoffers applied a coloured photo for the background. It shows huge prefabricated apartment buildings under a… (read more)
