

contemporary art / history of art

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The 100th Artwork of the Month / March 2025

Tabernacle (Autoportrait) Tabernacle (Self-portrait) Gloria Li Mir 1976 Acrylic on canvas stretched on wood 90 cm x 100 cm Gloria Li Mir’s “Tabernacle” reminds a white window, with two shutters which could be opened. Though, doing this, there are two new smaller blinds with a relief pattern. Behind them, one finds a round mirror, which… (read more)

Artwork of the Month / March 2024

116 (Ascension) Patricia Lascabannes 2024 Digital print on hemp paper 290 gr 30 cm x 30 cm – edition of 5 60 cm x 60 cm – edition of 5 80 cm x 80 cm – edition of 5 The square black-and-white photo “116 (Ascension)” by Patricia Lascabannes shows a spiral staircase. Since the midpoint… (read more)

2023 revisited

  With our Artworks of the Month 2023, we had an unintentional focus on photography, though, there also were collages, a sculpture, an installation and a sculptural installation. The presented artists reflected on nature, urbanity, architecture and much more. Besides that, we visited numerous exhibitions of national and international artists.   January We started the… (read more)

Artwork of the Month / December 2023

L’Enfer c’est … – La force du détail : La Serrure (Hell is … – The force of the detail: The Keyhole) Marie Cagnasso 2021 Ceramics, slab work, stoneware, ancient black glaze, mirror 30,5 cm x 30,5 cm x 13 cm Marie Cagnasso’s ceramic sculpture “L’Enfer c’est … – La force du détail : La… (read more)

Artwork of the Month / September 2023

Ars Curandi, Beaune (The Art of Caring, Beaune) Elena Franco 2020 Giclée print on Canson Platine Fiber Rag paper 60 cm x 90 cm Edition of 3 With Elena Franco’s photography, “Ars Curandi, Beaune” (The Art of Caring, Beaune), we are looking from a dark room through an open two wing leadlight casement window with… (read more)

MIA Fair 2023: Architecture, Trees and other Subjects

MIA Fair (Milan Image Art Fair) 23 – 26 March 2023 Superstudio Maxi, Milan The 12th edition of Italy’s oldest and most important photo fair confirmed its position with 100 exhibitors (80 % galleries), thereof 30 % from abroad. No matter whether the galleries originated in Italy, Europe (France, Germany, Belgium, Hungary, Serbia and… (read more)

Artwork of the Month / February 2023

Hyper Conditionnement – Gabion 50 cm³ (Hyper-Packaging – Gabion 50 cm³) Anne-Laure Wuillai 2018 Water from the Mediterranean Sea, gabion in stainless steel, thermos-welded plastic bags, ampoule with light-emitting diode 50 cm x 50 cm x 50 cm The sculptural installation “Hyper Conditionnement – Gabion 50 cm³” (Hyper-Packaging – Gabion 50 cm³) by Anne-Laure Wuillai… (read more)

Artwork of the Month / March 2022

Sauve qui peut (la vie) (Save who can (the life)) Séverine Gambier 2016 Ancient porcelain and faience plates, Italian glass paste, pearls, beans, glass flowers, resin and patina on a wooden chair 93 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm The sculpture “Sauve qui peut (la vie)” (Save who can (the life)) by Séverine Gambier,… (read more)

Artwork of the Month / January 2022

Allez viens ! on part en vacances. (Come on! we are going on holiday.) (Series Holidays) Amélie Viale 2014 Print on dibond 60 cm x 90 cm Edition of 8 + 2 P.A. A young woman stands in a deserted marshalling yard. She has an unusual companion: an iron. Pausing on a rail crossing, she… (read more)

Artwork of the Month / November 2021

The Egg Triptych Amandine Urruty 2015 210 cm x 100 cm Graphite on paper With the drawing “The Egg Triptych”, Amandine Urruty takes us on a voyage in her imaginary world, which might be amusing or even scary. In every part of the triptych, there is a main protagonist in a phantasy landscape, surrounded by… (read more)

Artwork of the Month / October 2021

Conversation Elyse Galiano   2018 cup 18 cm x 39 cm x 10 cm, coffee pot 25 cm x 48 cm x 15 cm, porcelain tableware, natural hair The sculptural installation “Conversation” by Elyse Galiano is a composition of a coffee pot and a cup, both with gold rim. A braided plait of black natural… (read more)

Artwork of the Month / April 2021

Anti-Buste en voyage dans le Sud, pas plus de 1 km (Anti-Bust travelling in the South, not more than 1 km) Monique Thibaudin 2020 Two mannequin legs, shoes, shopping bag Ephemeral installation Ca. 150 cm height   Monique Thibaudin’s sculpture “Anti-Bust travelling in the South, not more than 1 km” consists of two mannequin legs,… (read more)

Artwork of the month / March 2021

Satyr (No. 3) Véronique Champollion 2021 Collagraphy on Velin d’Arches paper 170 cm x 100 cm Edition of 5 (all unique pieces) Véronique Champollion’s collagraphy shows a laterally squatting satyr. Acanthus tendrils surround him. In his right hand, the mythological figure holds a bunch of grapes, in his right leading to the mouth a single… (read more)

80 years Jürgen Waller. 60 years of art

On June 21st 2019, the German painter, ceramist and object maker Jürgen Waller celebrated his 80th birthday. Nearly a month later, three exhibitions in his adopted hometown opened its doors to honour the long-standing rector of the University of Fine Arts in Bremen. Additionally, the Kunsthalle Bremen opened an anniversary show already on June 4th…. (read more)

Artwork of the month / March 2018

Huisvrouw (Housewife) From the series: Apolline, Constance et les autres … Elyse Galiano 2014-2018 Natural hair, cotton canvas, wood 60 cm x 120 cm   In her series “Apolline, Constance et les autres …” Elyse Galiano embroidered texts from ancient manuals of good manners for women. The most part of the quotes dates from the… (read more)

Artwork of the month / December 2017

Madonna con Bambino (Madonna with Child) Véronique Champollion 2008 Paper (posters), glue, fiberglass and resin 65 cm x 42 cm Representations of Mary have a long tradition in the Christian iconography. Already in the 2nd century, there was the probably oldest Madonna with Child displayed in the Catacombs of Priscilla in Rome. Nevertheless, at that… (read more)

Artwork of the month / April 2017

Acrylique bleu émeraude (Emerald blue acrylic) Gloria Li Mir 80 cm x 80 cm 1986 Acrylic on strengthened and worked canvas   The square-shaped painting “Acrylique bleu émeraude” (Emerald blue acrylic) from 1986 by Gloria Li Mir, is relief with a quadratic elevation in the centre and several round to oval bulges in the lower… (read more)

Artwork of the month / May 2015

« Le Printemps de Botticelli » (Botticelli’s Spring) Véronique Champollion 2009 Height: 2,30m Resin, pigments and fibreglass   For the most part of the northern hemisphere there is no doubt that spring has arrived this year. This is the reason I’ve chosen as artwork of May Véronique Champollion’s sculpture “Le Printemps de Botticelli – The Spring of… (read more)
