

contemporary art / history of art

Exhibition: Giovanni Gaggia – Inventarium

Gallleriapiù (also known as OltreDimore) Via del Porto 48, Bologna 17 June – 27 June 2015 The exhibition is the final part of a long-term project which started with the artists’ visit of the Ustica Memorial Museum (Museo per la Memoria di Ustica) in Bologna. The museum with the permanent installation of Christian Boltanski is… (read more)

OPENTOUR: E lo fecero a pezzi

Giulia Carpentieri, Irene Fenara, Giulio Maulini and Andrea Parenti Curated by Teresa Serra and Pietro Cortona 10 – 25 June 2015 ADIACENZE Piazza San Martino 4D Bologna Andrea Parenti: [Show slideshow]    

Where the trees line the water that falls asleep in the afternoon.

Rodrigo Hernández, Clare Grill & Kate Newby Curated by Chris Sharp 4th June – 19th September 2015 P420 Piazza dei Martiri 1943-1945, 5/2 Bologna [Show slideshow]  

Artwork of the month / June 2015

“Obwohl …” (Although …) Thyra Schmidt 2015 30 x 40 cm (paper size) Artist text Archival Inkjet Print, framed Thyra Schmidt’s latest series “Blaue T-Shirts, Jeans und Turnschuhe” (Blue T-Shirts, Jeans and Trainers), actually shown in an exhibition in Düsseldorf of the same name, presents nine works, all framed prints. There are two photos and… (read more)

Artwork of the month / May 2015

« Le Printemps de Botticelli » (Botticelli’s Spring) Véronique Champollion 2009 Height: 2,30m Resin, pigments and fibreglass   For the most part of the northern hemisphere there is no doubt that spring has arrived this year. This is the reason I’ve chosen as artwork of May Véronique Champollion’s sculpture “Le Printemps de Botticelli – The Spring of… (read more)

Artwork of the month / April 2015

« Les joueuses de Cartes » (The card players) Margaret Michel 2006 Table: 113 cm x 100 cm x 60 cm Chairs: 125 cm x 48 cm x 42 cm Two wooden chairs, one wooden table, two electric engines, batteries, inverter, acetate A table, two chairs, all a little bit antiquated, made from wood. What… (read more)

Exhibition: FEMINA. Vita dagli abiti di Sveva Zamboni (Bologna, 1925 – 2014)

FEMINA. Life of the clothes of Sveva Zamboni (Bologna, 1925 – 2014) Fratelli Broche Exhibition at Adiacenze, Bologna, curated by Silvia Mei 20 March – 3 April 2015 The first impression entering the space of Adiacenze is to come into a vintage shop. It’s not a bad guess, because the artists of Fratelli Broche maintain… (read more)

Interview: Thyra Schmidt – I just can’t be nowhere

The exhibition “I can’t just be nowhere” by the German artist Thyra Schmidt had been shown for six weeks (09/18 – 11/01/2009) in the public space of Oslo, Norway. The large scale photos and text works on the house fronts of the city districts Oslo sentrum, Grøland and Grünerlokka had a very private character. Due… (read more)