We started 2018 with the diptych “Ouagadougou/New York” by Joana Choumali, where the artist from the Ivory Coast, reflects about the impact of migration in the home and the arrival countries.
Moreover, we visited the exhibition “Art x Cuba. Contemporary Perspectives since 1989” in the Aachen Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst. Artworks from the Caribbean island up from 1989 communicated with most recent positions.
The artwork of the month of February came also from Cuba. In her series “Urban Landscape – The Habitat Project” Lisette Solórzano questions in the medium of photography about modifications within the urban space and their significance for the population.
Traditionally, the month of February was concentrated on the Bolognese art week, with the art fair ARTE FIERA, the independent SetUp CONTEMPORARY ART FAIR and the numerous collateral events all over the town within the ARTE City.
In March, we presented the artwork “Huisvrouw” (Housewife) by Elyse Galiano. It is part of her series “Apolline, Constance et les autres …” for which the artist embroidered texts from ancient manuals of good manners for women with natural hair on canvas.
Additionally, we visited the exhibition “Vivian Maier – La fotografa ritrovata” in the Bolognese Palazzo Pallavicini.
Two artists from Argentina – Mariela Fornasari and Ainelén Bertotti Burket – conceived their “Autorretrato” (Self-portrait) in four dimensions. The installation plays with the four dimensions, inviting the beholder to perceive the artwork regarding his/her own conditions.
The Bolognese gallery P420 presented “Laura Grisi – Hypothesis on Infinity” as time journey into the late 1960s and early 1970s, when the Italian artist was first approved.
Once again, we met Elyse Galiano and her works. For the exhibition, “Fil Rouge” the Florence gallerist Antonio Lo Pinto invited Elyse Galiano and Donatella Lombardo, two artists with different backgrounds. However, there are common things in the works of both. Formally, the two artists are using – inter alia – textile and thread. Furthermore, they are questioning about female role models in society.
An overview of the Milanese art fair miart showed different perspectives with its sections Decades, Generations, On Demand, Established Contemporary and Established Master.
With “Question de Liberté” (Question of Freedom) the French artist, Marie Cagnasso reflected about protection and isolation.
From May to September, the Bolognese MAMbo (Museo d’Arte Moderna, Bologna) dedicated an exhibition to Rosanna Chiessi in its Project Room. She supported national artists over 50 years and invited international artists to work with her. In doing so, her attention was directed to the artistic research and not to a production for the art market.
Petra Warras offered her “Luciferine 11” as artwork of the month. With the effects of hand colouring on a photo, the artist produces effects, which easily exceed the simple reproduction of nature. This causes ambiguities in the perception.
Once again, the Bolognese Academy of Fine Arts went on OPENTOUR. We visited some of the galleries who invited students for an exhibition.
Young emerging artist were also in the MAMbo on focus. The new director of the museum, Lorenzo Balbi presented 56 artists and collectives born between 1980 and 1992, who mostly created new artworks for this great summer show.
Summer break
Patricia Lascabannes took us with “Dancing Wave” on a sailing trip. With the image, the photographer illustrates the agitation of the see, in catching the very right moment.
Another voyage started Giovanni de Gara with his project “Eldorato”. Since June, he covers church portals all over Italy with golden thermal blankets. In an interview, Giovanni explained the background and the development of the project.
For the Autumn Season many new exhibitions opened in Bologna. We visited several of them and gave our impressions “From white to colourful”.
In her digital collage “Nella clandestinità” (Living clandestine) Agnese Purgatorio turns the map of Italy into a raft carrying a group of people guided by a pregnant woman. It questions different forms of living clandestine.
Giovanni de Gara travelled further in Italy. We gave some impressions of the installations in Lampedusa, Palermo, Bologna and Parma.
Greta Schödl offered the artwork of November. “Il Primo Universo” (The First Universe) refers to another galaxy as at first glance is to be expected. The key for the deciphering lies in the Greek mythology.
Besides gold, scripture is very prominent in Greta Schödl’s oeuvre. We met the 89 years old and still active artist in her apartment in Bologna, where we spoke about her background, artistic career and work.
In December, Jacquie Maria Wessels carried us off into the mysterious world of classical car repair garages. With “Garage Still #10/2014” she transforms partly unknown car tools into an open treasure chest.
Thank you for following us in 2018. We hope you’ll be again our guest in 2019!