

contemporary art / history of art

ArtworkS of the Month: The first five of 2024

Our five Artworks of the Month were made by six artists. The trend to photography continued. This focus doesn’t exclude other disciplines in the future.





In January, Anna Di Prospero offered her perception of the Central Station of Trieste. Instead of contenting herself in presenting the architecture, she added a mysterious Lady in Red to the picture.





Also, Tamara Stoffers went on a journey, but on an involuntary one. With her series “The Home we lost”, she documented and digested her obliged leave of her house.





With “116 (Ascension)” Patricia Lascabannes allowed us in March a glance into a particular staircase at the Cap d’Antibes, south of France.





Mary Ellen Bartley visited the house of the Italian painter Giorgio Morandi. “Large White Bottle and Shadow” is part of a series, which resulted from it.





Due to a commission by curator Mia Fineman for The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, Manjari Sharma & Irina Rozovsky started a visual conversation by exchanging photos. After the linear presented exhibition, they remixed the photos to create new diptychs. Our Artwork of the Month June is one of them.




Now we hope you will enjoy your summer and will be back with us in September when we present a new artwork of the month.