

contemporary art / history of art

Archive for October 2021

Cause & Effect – Graphic Prints in the GDR from the Collection Nowoisky

Claudia Jansen: Ursache & Wirkung – Grafik in der DDR aus der Sammlung Nowoisky In the last years, every now and then there were exhibitions of artworks created in the GDR (German Democratic Republic). By the time, the perspective changed and the focus on quality progressed, instead of a political judgement. Most of these shows… (read more)

Artwork of the Month / October 2021

Conversation Elyse Galiano   2018 cup 18 cm x 39 cm x 10 cm, coffee pot 25 cm x 48 cm x 15 cm, porcelain tableware, natural hair The sculptural installation “Conversation” by Elyse Galiano is a composition of a coffee pot and a cup, both with gold rim. A braided plait of black natural… (read more)
