

contemporary art / history of art

Archive for December 2020

2020 revisited

  The year 2020 was also in the cultural sector very different from all the other years. After a traditional start in January and February, exhibitions, art fairs and many other art events had been postponed, cancelled or relocated into the virtual space. Still, there were some real exhibitions. Moreover, we presented artist books and… (read more)

Hannes Norberg: 27 – A Voyage into extraordinary Landscapes

The German artist Hannes Norberg travels and explores the world and also collects samples of typography. Graphically modified, enlarged and arranged in space, he photographed the samples in natural light. In September 2020, he designed and published a book with 27 new photographs of these silent conversations of characters on paper. Obviously, the main protagonists… (read more)

Artwork of the Month / December 2020

Gefällt mir! (I Like it) Kirsten Klöckner 2020 Watercolour, ink on paper 29,7 cm x 21 cm Kirsten Klöckner’s painting “Gefällt mir!“ (I Like it) shows a closed fist with the thumb extended upward. Obviously, it reminds of the Like-button of Facebook, due to its silhouette and the blue wrist. However, the hand is executed… (read more)
