

contemporary art / history of art

Archive for October 2019

Bologna in autumn 2019 – exhibitions part 2

In a second tour, we visited six more exhibitions of the autumn season in Bologna. Most of them are still ongoing. Although the variety of artists and techniques is comparable to the exhibitions of the first round, the presented shows are more minimalistic in the second part, self-evidently with exceptions.   Galleria de’ Foscherari: Mario… (read more)

Exhibition: Moataz Nasr – Paradise Lost

Galleria Continua Via del Castello 11, San Gimignano 28 September 2019 – 6 January 2020   The solo exhibition “Paradise Lost” by Moataz Nasr, curated by Simon Njami carries us into an oriental world in a transition stage between tradition and modernity. Composed by oeuvres in different media, it shows the large range of… (read more)

Exhibition: Mondi Migliori (Better Worlds)

Agnese Purgatorio & Francesco Di Giovanni   MLB Maria Livia Brunelli Gallery Corso Ercole I d’Este 3, Ferrara, Italy in cooperation with Podbielski Contemporary (Milan) 4 October – 16 November 2019   For the double personal exhibition “Mondi Migliori” the MLB Home Gallery and Podbielski Contemporary has selected two artists, who questioned earlier… (read more)

Artwork of the month / October 2019

Second Hand: Kyiv (Kiev), 2015 Zhanna Kadyrova 2015 Soviet period tiles, wood Variable dimensions   The series “Second Hand” by the Ukrainian artist Zhanna Kadyrova is a long-lasting project of several single interventions, which started in 2014 in Sao Paulo. After four more venues, the last one up to now, is the “Hotel All’Angelo” for… (read more)

Bologna in autumn 2019: Quite a lot to see!

After the summer break, there are various new exhibitions in Bologna on view. There are different artists with diverse techniques and subjects. Nevertheless, the exhibitions have in common that they invite to pause and to contemplate the objects to discover them deeply.   Goethe-Zentrum: Bauhaus Reloaded 1919-2019: Architettura Bauhaus 1919-1933 Spazio Testoni: Human Places Magma… (read more)
