

contemporary art / history of art

Archive for September 2019

Biennale di Venezia 2019: Living in interesting times

Biennale Arte 2019 11 May – 24 November 2019 The 58th Venice Biennale is titled “May You Live In Interesting Times”, mistakenly interpreted as a Chinese curse, evoking to the opponent a challenging and menacing life. Ralph Rugoff himself assigned the title not only to artworks, which “reflect upon precarious aspects of existence today”,… (read more)

Artwork of the month / September 2019

Black Out 2 Ester Grossi 2018 Acrylic on canvas 120 cm x 100 cm Courtesy Spazio Testoni, Bologna, Foto Giulia Mazza Ester Grossi’s painting “Black Out 2” is a composition of four geometric shapes on black ground, which overlap each other partially. The upper diagonally red lined field could be described as rectangle with rounded… (read more)

Interview with Lars Breuer: (artist, curator, teacher) “We do believe and have always believed that art has to support art.“

The German artist Lars Breuer is not only painter, but as well curator and teacher. His various activities have also an impact on his artistic work. We questioned him about his experiences and his oeuvre. Astrid Gallinat: In addition to your studies of Fine Arts at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf you graduated in art history and… (read more)
