

contemporary art / history of art

Archive for November 2018

Greta Schödl: All my experience enters into my work

  Even at the age of 89 years, Greta Schödl still continues to create. Her range of techniques is very large; however, scripture and gold are particularly prominent in her work. We met in her apartment in Bologna, where we spoke about her background, artistic career and oeuvre.   Astrid Gallinat: Your father was veterinarian… (read more)

Artwork of the month / November 2018

Il Primo Universo (The First Universe) Greta Schödl 1980 Oil and gold leaf on French canvas Signed on the verso 216 cm x 160 cm   The painting “Il Primo Universo” (The First Universe) by Greta Schödl shows an asymmetrical accumulation of golden dots and lines on a blue irregular ground. Slightly right from the… (read more)
