

contemporary art / history of art

Archive for April 2018

Art Fair miart 2018: Perspectives

13 – 15 April 2018 fieramilanocity, Milan The 23rd edition of the Milano art fair grew – in comparison to the preceding show – by ten galleries. There were 184 galleries from 19 countries, presented in eight sections. Besides the established and emergent galleries and artists, two departments are particularly interesting. “Decades” offer a… (read more)

Elyse Galiano & Donatella Lombardo – Fil rouge (Red Thread)

Contemporanea 2, Florence, Italy 12 – 27 April 2018 For the exhibition, “Fil Rouge” the Florence gallerist Antonio Lo Pinto invited Elyse Galiano and Donatella Lombardo, two artists with different backgrounds. However, there are common things in the works of both. Formally, the two artists are using – inter alia – textile and thread…. (read more)

Exhibition: Laura Grisi – Hypothesis on Infinity

Galleria P420, Bologna, Italy 07 April – 02 June 2018 The exhibition “Hypothesis on Infinity” questions about the possibility to extend time into eternity. In addition, spatial borders are another subject. On a whole, the show is a time journey into the late 1960s and early 1970s, when the Italian artist Laura Grisi was… (read more)

Artwork of the month / April 2018

Autorretrato (Self-portrait) Proyecto Quarta Dimensione Mariela Fornasari & Ainelén Bertotti Burket 2017 Installation with serigraphy on canvas 200 cm x 150 cm x 150 cm   “Self-portrait” by Mariela Fornasari and Ainelén Bertotti Burket is an installation of five semi-transparent canvases. A black and white photo of the two sitting artists is printed on each… (read more)
