

contemporary art / history of art

Archive for December 2017

2017 revisited

  In our third year online, we had once again ten artworks of the month, some a little bit older, some brand-new. Even though Bolognese exhibitions were on focus, we had the occasion to visit some exhibitions and art fairs outside the city. Moreover, we went to the Venice Biennale, the Florence Biennale and the… (read more)

Revolutija: from Chagall to Malevich, from Repin to Kandinsky

MAMbo – Museo d’Arte Moderna, Bologna 12 Decemebre 2017 – 13 May 2018 Just in time, at the end of the commemoration of 100 years of the October Revolution, the Bolognese Museum of Modern Art opens the exhibition “Revolutija: from Chagall to Malevich, from Repin to Kandinsky”. Even though, the show is initiated on… (read more)

Artwork of the month / December 2017

Madonna con Bambino (Madonna with Child) Véronique Champollion 2008 Paper (posters), glue, fiberglass and resin 65 cm x 42 cm Representations of Mary have a long tradition in the Christian iconography. Already in the 2nd century, there was the probably oldest Madonna with Child displayed in the Catacombs of Priscilla in Rome. Nevertheless, at that… (read more)

Foto/Industria: views on labour and industrial development

From 12 October to 19 November 2017, the third Biennale Foto/Industria took place in Bologna, Italy. The MAST Foundation in cooperation with the Municipality of Bologna and local cultural institutions like museums and exhibition spaces, as well as the University of Bologna and other foundations initiated the event. In 2013, the Foto/Industria was organised for… (read more)

Alexander Rodchenko – The industrial World

Coming from painting and sculpture, the constructivist Alexander Rodchenko stood for the incorporation of arts into daily life. Therefore, in 1920s he was occupied with graphic, design and handicraft. At that time, he also started to experiment with photomontages using pre-existing pictures, inspired by the German Dadaists. Soon, in 1924 he started himself to take… (read more)

Lee Friedlander – At Work

After his studies of photography, Lee Friedlander took black and white photos from street scenes, Jazz musicians, landscapes and much more. So he became known as a chronicler of the American everyday life. His style is recognised as “social landscapes”. From 1979 to 1995, he shot various series of industrial work. Within 16 years, he… (read more)

Mimmo Jodice – The militant Years

Today well-known for his architectural, archaeological and landscape photography, Mimmo Jodice made first paintings and drawings, but was as well interested in arts in general, classical music and jazz. In the 1960s, he discovered his passion for photography and experimented with materials and forms to question the possibilities of photographical languages and techniques. Collaborating with… (read more)

Josef Koudelka – Industrial Landscapes

Beginning his photographical career with theatre reports besides his engineering studies at the Czech Technical University, Josef Koudelka became known for his photos of the Soviet invasion in Prague in August 1968. Even though these images were published anonymously by Magnum, he decided to immigrate and started to work for the famous agency in 1971…. (read more)
