

contemporary art / history of art

Archive for October 2017

The Venice Biennale 2017: Hidden gems in the city

Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia, Bolivia, Ivory Coast and Guatemala Besides the main exhibition and the national pavilions in the Giardini and the Arsenale, there are many exhibitions throughout the city. Interesting are often the national participations of countries beyond the traditional canon. They have no fixed building in the Giardini, since they are mostly… (read more)

XI. Florence Biennale 2017

“eARTh: creativity and sustainability” was the theme of this year’s Florence Biennale. It took place from October 6th to 15th and was located in the Padiglione Spadoli in the Fortezza da Basso (part of the Firenzefiera). There were 462 artists, coming from 72 countries. The 20-year-old institution sees herself as an independent platform of the… (read more)

Artwork of the month / October 2017

Thyra Schmidt: Zwei Freunde verlassen den Raum und gehen in getrennte Richtungen Two friends leave the room and walk in different directions 두 친구가 그 방을 떠난다. 그리고 다른 길로 걸어간다 (translated into Korean by Kyung-Ah Cho) 120 cm x 1150 cm 2017 Textile banner     “Two friends leave the room and walk in… (read more)
