

contemporary art / history of art

Archive for July 2015

« Et si le blanc était une couleur ? » – Revisited

In 2011, during the opening of the exhibition « Et si le blanc était une couleur ? » , organised by the association ARTIFICIALIS, Cofi captured your attitudes and behaviours. Now – four years later – he gives them back to you, in the same place, where he has generated them. Come to see Reyboz,… (read more)

ArtworkS of the month

For the launch of our new website and for all people who haven’t followed us on Facebook: Here are our first five artworks of the month with their texts in one album. Artists: Gloria Li Mir, Kirsten Klöckner, Margaret Michel, Véronique Champollion and Thyra Schmidt. Find a new artwork of the month in September, here… (read more)
